
Leading People and Cultures in Organisations

Choosing for the Master Leading Hospitality Innovation means studying at three great and well-respected institutes, each with their own focus and expertise. In Maastricht you will take a deep dive into people and consumer behaviour.  The first module you will study is 'Leading People and Cultures in Organisations'. 

Dr Tom Kuypers works as a senior researcher and lecturer at Hotel Management School Maastricht. Here, he shares what his module is all about!

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Leading people and shaping organizational culture 

Module 1 of the Master Leading Hospitality Innovation focuses on leading people and shaping organizational culture in the hospitality industry, emphasizing the significance of effective team management in the era of digitalization and globalization. It highlights the urgency of developing skills that provide a competitive edge amidst the complexities of the current labor market, often described as VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous).

The highly dynamic and evolving hospitality industry

The hospitality industry often experiences high turnover rates and faces challenges in attracting and retaining skilled employees. Understanding effective HR practices is essential for creating strategies to recruit the right talent and retain them within the organization. Moreover, leadership skills play a vital role in ensuring high levels of employee satisfaction, which indirectly impacts customer satisfaction. Effective leaders can inspire and motivate their teams to provide high-level service, resulting in positive guest experiences. Another important aspect to this, is the organizational culture. A better understanding of organizational behavior in the hospitality industry, helps companies in the industry to foster a positive work environment. The aim for this is to create a culture where employees are motivated and engaged, and where the work practices are aligned with the company’s values. 

In this module we focus on the knowledge, skills and attitude to operate in the highly dynamic hospitality industry. The industry is constantly evolving and new technologies change the ways of working in the industry. Teaching the students in our module how to face this VUCA world, will help the industry in navigating effectively through future challenges. 

In summary, this module focusses on HR, Leadership, and Organizational Behaviour. The content is highly relevant for the hospitality industry as it equips (young) professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to address key challenges, foster a positive work culture, and drive organizational success in a competitive and ever-changing environment.

In this module we focus on the knowledge, skills an attitude to operate in the highly dynamic hospitality industry. The industry is constantly evolving and new technologies change the ways of working in the industry. Teaching the students in our module how to face this VUCA world, will help the industry in navigating effectively through future challenges. 

Dr Tom Kuypers

Trends and developments in the industry

In the hospitality industry specifically, staff shortage has become a significant issue, heavily influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. This shortage dramatically increases the necessity for a properly functioning HR department that aligns with the organization's strategy and is capable of attracting and retaining employees. Furthermore, organizations are grappling with the phenomenon dubbed the 'Great Resignation', which appears to have been sparked by COVID-19. Once again, this underscores the critical importance of establishing an HR system that fosters high levels of commitment, engagement, and job satisfaction.

In the module, you will work on an individual case assignment, delivered by an industry partner. You will prepare a business case and defend it orally, using an infographic as a visual aid. For this, you must incorporate relevant HR insights into your analysis, reflecting the development steps taught in the module. You will present key findings and justify your analysis and recommendations effectively. It challenges you to integrate HR perspectives into strategic business analysis while also using your communication and presentation skills.

You will also work on a project in a team. You engage in collaborative work within diverse groups, fostering synergy and collective effort. In the end, your group will present a collaborative and innovative idea, based on an industry problem, fitting with the VUCA world of Hospitality. All of this inspired by Design Thinking!

About Dr Tom Kuypers

Dr Tom Kuypers holds a PhD in Organizational Behavior, from the School of Business and Economics of Maastricht University. His doctoral thesis focused on team dynamics and how these affect behavior and performance of the team. Next to this, he has a Bachelor and Master in International Business Studies. After working at Maastricht University, where he also worked as a research consultant for third parties, he moved to Fontys International Business School. He developed, coordinated and lectured in several Minors (10 or 20 week programs) on International Business Management, Cross-border Management, and Business Service Innovation. Since 2019 he works for the Hotel Management School Maastricht as a senior researcher/lecturer. As a senior researcher he works for the research center Global Minds @ Work, where he coordinates the research line Global Minds on the workfloor. His research interests include organizational behavior, team behavior and team processes such as social relationships within and between organizations and within teams. This in relation to outcomes at both the team and the individual level.  He is particularly interested in intercultural interactions, associated challenges, and opportunities for development in those intercultural situations.

Dr Tom Kuypers
Dr Tom Kuypers

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